About Us


The National School of Drama is a constituent unit of the Sangeet Natak Akademi which came into existence in 1959. It became an autonomous organization under the aegis of the erstwhile Ministry of Education and Culture (Department of Culture) in 1975.

It was registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. The apex governing body of the School is the NSD ‘Society’. The apex governing body of the School is the NSD ‘Society’. Its composition, powers and role are enshrined in the Memorandum of Association adopted by the Society on December 11, 1975.

The NSD has the following authorities:

  • The Chairperson
  • The Director
  • The Society Members
  • The Academic Council
  • The Finance Committee

Former Chairpersons

  • *Dr. KV. Rajamannar  (1959 – 61)
  • *Maharaja Shri Chamaraja Wadiyar Bahadur (1961 – 65)
  • *Smt. Indira Gandhi (1965 – 72)
  • *Dr. K.P.S. Menon (1972 – 77)
  • Smt. Kamaladevi Chattopadhyaya (1977 – 78)
  • Shri L.M. Singhvi (1978 – 82)
  • Ms. Shanta Gandhi (1982 – 86)
  • Dr. Suresh Awasthi (1986 – 88)
  • Smt. Vijaya F. Mehta (1988 – 92)
  • Dr. P.C. Joshi (1992 – 96)
  • Dr. Chandrasekhar Kambar (1996 – 2001)
  • Shri Anupam Kher (2001 – 04)
  • Mrs. Amal Allana (2005 – 2013)
  • Shri Ratan Thiyam (2013 – 2017)

Former Directors

  • Shri Satu Sen – 1959-61
  • Shri E. Alkazi – 1962-77
  • Shri B.V.Karanth – 1977-82
  • Prof. B.M.Shah – 1982-84
  • Prof. Mohan Maharishi – 1984-86
  • Shri Ratan Thiyam – 1987-88
  • Prof. Kirti Jain – 1988-95
  • Prof. Ram Gopal Bajaj – 1995-Sept.2001
  • Prof.Devendra Raj Ankur – 2001-July 3 2007
  • Dr. Anuradha Kapur – 2007 – April 2013
  • Prof. Waman Kendre – 2013 – Sep 2018
  • Shri. Suresh Sharma 
  • Professor (Dr.) Ramesh Chandra Gaur

The NSD Society has following composition

  • The Chairman – to be appointed by the President of India
  • Financial Advisor – to be appointed by the Government of India
  • Two theatre experts, one to be nominated by the Executive Board of the Sangeet Natak Akademi and one by Society of the National School of Drama from amongst a panel of names drawn up by Academic Council of NSD.
  • One representative of the Ministry of Culture to be nominated by the Government of India.
  • One representative of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Director of Film and T.V. Institute.
  • Four members nominated by Central Government:

a. One Dramatist to be nominated in consultation with the Chairman, Sahitya Akademi and Director, NSD.

b. One expert from TV Industry/ Electronic Media to be nominated in consultation with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting.

c. Two eminent persons in the field of culture to be nominated in consultation with the Chairperson of the Society and the Director of the School.

  • One representative of the teaching Staff of NSD.
  • One member from amongst the ex-graduate of the School to be co-opted by the Society members.
  • Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the Society from amongst it’s members.
  • Director, National School of Drama will be ex-officio Member-Secretary of the Society.


The NSD Society

  • Shri Paresh Rawal, Chairman
  • Shri Bharat Gupt, Vice-Chairman Theatre expert
  • Ms Ranjana Chopra, Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor, MoC
  • Ms Uma Nanduri, Joint Secretary, MoC 
  • Shri Prithul Kumar, Joint Secretary (films) Ministry of I&B
  • Sh Sandeep Sahare, Director, FTII, Pune
  • Ms Vani Tripathi, Expert in T.V
  • Sh Avtar Sahni, Theatre expert
  • Mr Santanu Bose, Representative of teaching staff NSD
  • Shri Chittaranjan Tripathy, Director NSD & Member Secretary
  • Shri  Abhiram Bhadkamkar, Nomination of SNA
  • Dr. K. Sreenivasarao, Secretary Sahitya Akademi
  • Shri Dinesh Khanna, NSD Alumni

NSD Academic Council Members

Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh Chandra Gaur, Director, NSD & Chairman Academic Council, Ex-officio member

Sh. Amit Banerjee, Theatre Expert

Sh. Vijay Kenkre, Theatre Expert

Sh Avtar Sahni, Theatre Expert

Shri Bharat Gupta, Member

Prof. Ajay Malkani, Ex-Student, NSD

Shri C.R. Jambe, Educationist

Sh. Riken Nagomle, Assistant Professor

Sh. Aruna Kumar Mallik, Assistant Professor

Sh. Amitesh Grover, Sh. Amitesh Grover

Shri Santanu Bose, Dean Academic ( Member Secretary)

Student Representative

The Finance Committee is a specialized body of Society. All proposals for new expenditure on account of major works and purchases are referred to it for advice and approval. It also scrutinizes the accounts and budget estimates of the Society.

The Finance Committee at present consists of the following members:

1.   Ms. Ranjana Chopra, AS &FA, MoC

2.   Ms. Uma Nanduri, Member, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Government of India

3.   Ms. Vani Tripathi, Society Member

4.   Mr. Avtar Sahni, Society Member

5.   Shri Chittaranjan Tripathy, Director, NSD